Do you wonder about these?
Why does my child take a longer time to finish work than his/her peers?
What to do to support my child with anxiety or depression in school?
When do I need to get my child evaluated for ADHD? I suspect my child has focus challenges.
What is the difference between a 504 plan vs. an IEP plan?
Looking for support to better understand IEP paperwork and know what to advocate for a child.
My child gets easily angered when interacting with peers and has a hard time keeping hands to self.
My child cannot get started on his/her assignments.
Does my child have Dyslexia? Autism? ADHD? or other types of learning disability?
My child is going through grief over losing a loved one, what support can I provide?
My child has Selective Mutism, what to do to support him/her in school?
We need a cognitive assessment (IQ test) for private school application, can you help?
I would like my child to learn more about emotional regulation. Do you have a class for this?
My child has a learning difference, can you help provide accommodations for college entrance exam?
How We Can Help
A comprehensive assessment looks at a student’s cognitive ability, processing skills, and academic achievement skills.
We can help advocate for your child’s needs in school meetings and support you in making informed decisions.
We can serve as a link between you and your child’s teacher in communicating and developing work plans.
Discover your child's strengths through assessments and school observations. See your child blossom through our educational coaching, advocacy, and executive functioning skills training.
Why Choose Little Seed?
When I choose professional services, I wonder if they are credible and have the experience needed that can help my child. Many assessment clinics don’t have practitioners that have walked the same road as us. The educational psychologist at Little Seed have spent years working in a variety types of classrooms, schools, and districts. Every district has its own culture and differ in how their services and programs are run. Because of our experience, we know how to give practical, hands-on recommendations that are likely to be implemented in the school.
I believe a key outcome of an assessment is to be able to articulate and provide child focused recommendations that can empower our learners and enhance their learning outcomes and to have a better understanding of a child's strengths.